• Hotel with a view: Staying at the Eastin Grand Sathorn Bangkok

    EN • In the end of our Thailand roundtrip were searching for a cozy but luxurious home for the last 3 nights. We decided to stay at the Eastin Grand Sathorn and did not regret it! In this post I want to…
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    Sleeping in a Jungle Villa in Thailand: The Hideout Koh Yao Noi

      EN • The sun went down between 6 and 7 pm and by 8pm there it was fully dark. It was just us and the sounds of the jungle. Without electricity there was not much to do other than following…
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    The Quilted Jacket I’m Going to Wear all Spring

      The Quilted Jacket   EN • As you may or may not know, green is my all time favourite color. Funnily enough as I kid it was my least favourite color. But as we all know taste changes over…
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    5 Tips To Wearing An Elegant Style

    EN • Spring is here and soon we are ready to say goodbye to thick winter coats and welcome to all these light skirts, colourful tops and open sandals. When combining my outfits I love to keep it simple! In this…
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    Visiting a Coconut Farm in Thailand

        EN • Currently we are spending 3 weeks on a roundtrip through Thailand. A trip that was long overdue cause I recently felt kinda burnt out and longing for a long vacation. Even though it is a pain…
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