Social Media Fasting – Here is My Conclusion

EN • On a daily basis my phone was sending my the stats and they weren’t looking good. I spent 8+ hours a day on my phone. Most of the time with social media apps such as Instagram and WhatsApp. I feel that this wasn’t a good development, after all I love to enjoy life and live in the present. I value the small things and had the feeling that something was constantly asking for my attention and distracting me at the same time. It was time for social media fasting!

DE • Die Statistiken, die mein Handy mit täglich als Push Nachricht sendet, sahen nicht gut aus. Ich habe täglich 8 Stunden oder mehr an meinem Handy verbracht,  die meiste Zeit in den Sozialen Netzwerken wie Instagram, WhatsApp oder Facebook. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass das ein

social media fasting German Fashion Blogger in Vienna social media fasting German Fashion Blogger in Vienna

What inspired me?

EN • I was mainly inspired by my friend Julia Marie Mann who did take a break from social media before. Also I noticed that many creators take sometimes time off in order to reset the clock and also find inspiration and new creativity by being offline. Lastly I also wanted to know if I can do it: Last one week without social media apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook.

DE • Eine meiner Freundinnen, Julia Marie Mann hat in ihren Stories auf Instagram erzählt, wie sie eine Social Media Pause erlebt hat. Auch viele andere Creators nehmen sich ab und zu mal eine Social Media Break um auszuspannen, sich zu erden und offline neue Kreativität zu schöpfen.


social media fasting German Fashion Blogger in Vienna

How did I fast social media?

EN • I decided to delete Instagram. No, not my account! Only the Instagram app. I told my followers that I would go offline for a week. It was a little painful to know that my engagement would go down if I would not post every day but nevertheless it was the right thing to do.

DE • Ohne langes Hin und Her habe ich mich dann dazu entschieden Instagram zu löschen. Nein, nicht gleich meinen Account! Nur die App! Ich habe meine Follower in Stories wissen lassen, dass ich eine Woche lange offline sein werde. Natürlich wusste ich, dass es einen Einbruch in meinem Engagement geben würde. Immerhin lebt Instagram von Accounts die täglich posten. Trotzdem war es das richtige für mich.

social media fasting German Fashion Blogger in Vienna   social media fasting German Fashion Blogger in Vienna   social media fasting German Fashion Blogger in Vienna

How did I feel during 7 day without Instagram?

EN • In the beginning it was hard: No posting, no stories and no scrolling through other peoples feed. I instantly realised that I had more time to spend, I experienced things with more consciousness and had the feeling that I saw more.I felt free and at the same time a little sad cause I noticed that others around me were not paying attention to me when I was present cause they were busy with their phones. Do I usually act in the same way?

DE • Am Anfang war es hart: kein Posten, keine Stories und kein “durch von Feed von anderen scrollen”. Ich habe schnell gemerkt, dass ich mehr Zeit habe. Ich habe viele Dinge im richtigen Leben erst wahr genommen und hatte das Gefühl, mehr zu sehen und mehr  und bewusster zu erleben. Dabei habe ich auch erst realisiert, wie viel Zeit die Menschen um mich herum mit ihren Handys beschäftigt sind. Dass man manchmal gar nicht richtig wahrgenommen wird oder die anderen eigentlich gar nicht zuhören. Benehme ich mich normalerweise auch so?



top 10 German Fashion Blogger in Vienna Top 10 German Fashion Blogger in Vienna


The verdict


EN • Social media fasting is definitely matter of discipline. However it becomes easier with the amount of days you’re already offline. (read this post on how to become more disciplined)  I think everyone that consumes social media heavily should consider to do social media fasting. It felt great!

DE • Die 7 Tage social media fasting hat meine Disziplin definitiv auf eine Probe gestellt. Mit den Tagen wird es dann aber weniger verlockend und man schiebt auch die FOMO Gefühle weit weg. Ich denke, jeder der feststellt, dass er zu lange und zu oft am Handy ist, sollte so eine Pause in Erwägung ziehen. Sie hat wirklich gut getan!




  1. July 29, 2020 / 7:52 pm

    I would like to try a social media fast. I’m guessing that I’d start with a few days first, then advance to the week lol.

  2. July 30, 2020 / 1:06 pm

    Sounds like you benefitted from your social media fast! Every now and again, I do take time off Instagram as that’s the app I spend the most time on. For me, I think it’s important to not get too attached to my posts, engagement, Likes coz it’s a platform that I don’t have ownership, so anything can happen!
    Enjoyed reading this post, have a good week, Xo

  3. July 30, 2020 / 6:14 pm

    This sounds like something pretty much everyone nowadays could benefit from. Although I don’t spend loads and loads of time on social media, I definitely find myself sporadically scrolling through my feeds or just messaging on my phone. I think I’d benefit from a social media fast or at least just blocking out a set amount of time each day to use my phone, rather than aimlessly using it and getting sucked using it all the time. This is a great idea and you’ve really inspired me, thanks for sharing x

  4. July 31, 2020 / 12:58 pm

    Mega schöne Bilder! Und super, dass du das durchgezogen hast. Mir würde es glaube ich meeega schwer fallen, aber es ist sicherlich gut und kann einen sehr runterbringen. 🙂

    Ganz liebe Grüße,
    Krissi von the marquise diamond

  5. July 31, 2020 / 1:21 pm

    Really good experiment, Miri! Oooh and hope you’re doing well!

    As you sometimes I feel shocked when I see how much I use my phone, I used to work a community manager a few years ago and it was crazy but I’m still using my phone a lot (basically like any millennial or any people who works online).

    Last year I took three months out of Instagram haha and it was a really good idea and I really enjoyed my time offline! Actually I feel that there are many ways to take a time off, it could be even for a single weekend in order to get fresh ideas and disconnect for a little while!

  6. July 31, 2020 / 3:31 pm

    Wow, mir fiele es auch total schwer. Aber cool, dass du so etwas mal gemacht hast; würde echt jedem gut tun.
    Ich verlose aktuell einen tollen Poster Gutschein auf meinem Blog. Vielleicht hast ja Lust daran teilzunehmen.

    Liebe Grüße, Berna von coffee & flowers

  7. July 31, 2020 / 10:17 pm

    I’ve been thinking about doing the same! Glad you had a positive experience and I’ll plan for it myself pretty soon.

    By Rocio V

  8. August 1, 2020 / 12:28 am

    Very interesting!
    I usually spend less than 3 hours a day on my phone, and most of it is work, but I try to use social media only when I’m alone,
    I find it really annoying when people around me are more connected to their phones than to their actual reality…
    have a great weekend!

  9. August 3, 2020 / 3:14 pm

    Liebe Miri,

    super spannend. Ich war / bin auch gerade an einem Punkt, an dem es mir zu viel ist. Die Energien anderer Personen aufsaugen und selbst ständig energievoll aktiv zu sein – ich platze fast, so fühlt es sich an.

    Da ich es als Beruf ausübe, kommt der Existenzdruck dazu – kann ich mein lebenlang mein “Leben verkaufen”, will ich das?

    Ich brauche ebenso Abstand und vielleicht würde mir eine Woche Abstinenz gut tun.

    Danke für den kleinen Schubs in die richtige Richtung.

    xx Kimyana

  10. August 4, 2020 / 12:16 am

    Love the post, Miri! I social media fast from time to time and it feels wonderful. Being present and spending time with people you care about is more important than “virtual” reality. I hope you will take breaks on a consistent basis because the true followers and admirers of your blog will always stick around.

  11. August 4, 2020 / 3:38 pm

    I agree with you on this – taking a break from social media from time to time is the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves. It is nice to stop and smell the roses; plus you can use all of the free hours doing something cool with your friends, family or even try new activities or explore more hobbies xx


  12. August 5, 2020 / 5:04 pm

    Interesting post!
    I think taking a break from social media is such a good idea since we spend so much time on it, especially Instagram!
    I’ve been thinking about doing a social media detox as well lately.

    INXSKY | Gold Stackable Rings

  13. August 6, 2020 / 7:10 pm

    Right now I’m doing a break too!! I was tired and without creativity, so I decided to take a break, everyone need holidays right?
    You look beautiful!!

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