A Chapter on How to Become More Disciplined

Mirjam Maisch wearing streetstyle how to become more disciplined




EN • Spoiler Alert: This is a very personal piece – I am sharing my current debacle and some thoughts about it. You are always welcome to join the discussion. Currently I am figuring out how to become more disciplined.

DE •Spoiler Alert: Das wird ein Post über ein Thema mit dem ich persönlich momentan meine Probleme habe. Deshalb möchte ich ein paar Gedanken dazu loswerden. Natürlich freue ich mich immer, wenn ihr eure Sicht der Dinge mit mir teilt.

How to Become More Disciplined

Let’s face it

EN • Today I didn’t go to the gym. Yesterday neither. (That’s not the big issue yet.. just continue reading). Currently I feel like I have all these ideas and perfect plans in my head but don’t know in which direction I should run first. So I would like to have a perfect job life. At the same time I wish for my blog to perform well. Besides I dream of a good kick off to my own brand (just wait for it). A functioning relationship at the same time and discipline when it comes to healthy food. Of course I would also want to have a plan in place to work out every day to get that summer body I dream of (for several years in a row now) Sounds familiar?

DE •Heute bin ich nicht ins Fitnessstudio gegangen. Gestern auch nicht. (Keine Sorge, das ist noch nicht das große Problem). Momentan habe ich das Gefühl, all meine Ideen und perfekten Pläne durcheinander gekommen sind und weit von der Umsetzung entfernt sind. Ich weiß nicht, in welche Richtung ich zuerst laufen soll. Ich möchte, dass meine Karriere vorangeht, mein Blog gut läuft und wächst, ich einen guten Start mit meiner Eigenen Marke haben werde. Darüber hinaus wäre eine funktionierende Beziehung noch ganz schön, mehr Disziplin wenn es um gesunde Ernährung und die Einhaltung eines Fitnessplanes geht. Hört sich das bekannt an?


Barcelona Blogger Style how to become more disciplined Barcelona Blogger Style how to become more disciplined


wishful thinking vs. reality

EN • Ok short example: I love to sleep in and at the same time I love to get up very early (like 5 or so) and start the day with sport, a healthy breakfast and some blogging before I head to my 9-5…. yeah that actually happens once a quarter..maybe. Every morning (when I slept in) I am always having the thought of “oooh not again, why couldn’t you make it up AGAIN?! Of course I’d love to know how to become more disciplined.

DE •Ok, kurzes Beispiel: Ich LIEBE es, auszuschlafen. Gleichzeitig bin ich aber auch ein echter Fan davon, sehr früh aufzustehen um einen guten Start in einen produktiven Start in den Tag zu haben. Ich würde so um 5 Uhr aufstehen, Morgensport machen, gesund frühstücken und anschließend ein bisschen bloggen bevor ich zu meinem 9-5 Job gehe. Ja… dieses Szenario findet ca. einmal in 3 Monaten so statt und jeden Morgen an dem ich ausgeschlafen  habe. Also 99% der Tage denke ich mir dann “Och nee du warst schon wieder nicht diszipliniert genug.”


How to stay disciplined


How to stay disciplined


uncover a lack of discipline


All about a disciplined life






EN • Discipline is the art of planning something and sticking to this plan. At.all.costs. And nothing and no one can come between you and your plan. Currently my discipline is being tested when it comes to not leaving the house for doing fun things while Corona is knocking at the door.

DE • Disziplin ist die Kunst, etwas zu planen und dann auch tatsächlich durchzuziehen. Egal.was.kommt. Sich durch nichts und niemanden von seinen Plänen abbringen lassen. Momentan wird meine Disziplin zum Beispiel damit auf die Probe gestellt, das Haus nicht mehr zu verlassen während der Corona Virus wütet.









Top 3 tips on how to become more disciplined

EN • Well , well, well I am not going to tell you here “hey, this is the perfect list and you will have a PERFECT life if you follow these steps”. NOPE. I am also still figuring it out. But for those of you who are like me and came to the same conclusions, my top 3 tips to become more disciplined might be helpful.

DE • Natürlich ist dieser Post kein “Hey das ist der einzige weg ein PERFEKT organisiertes Leben voller Disziplin zu haben”. NEIN! Ich bin noch auf der Suche dieses Problem anzugehen. Aber bisher habe ich folgende Prinzipien für mich gesetzt. Bisher läuft es ganz gut und vielleicht hilft es euch ja auch ein bisschen.



Barcelona Blogger Style how to become more disciplined




Overcome this small piece of comfort




Make specific plans with a deadline and stick to it



Track the performance and mark situations in which you failed





All about a disciplined life All about a disciplined life


Discipline is the bridge

between goals and accomplishment

All about a disciplined life Mirjam Maisch wearing streetstyle

wanna read more inspiring and motivational posts? Read here how I manage my 9-5 and my creative side hustle.



  1. March 19, 2020 / 4:36 pm

    This is such a great post, especially for right now! I think being disciplined and really pushing yourself to do things is important if you’re working to reach goals. Wishing you the best of luck with yours xx


  2. Jennifer
    March 20, 2020 / 8:57 am

    Great post! Discipling oneself is so hard but a little bit of discipline every day is helpful. Thanks for sharing an insightful blog post! 🙂


  3. March 23, 2020 / 6:17 am

    I loved reading this, I hope you are going well at home. It’s such a strange time and I am wanting to send out positivity. It’s easy to be hard on ourselves but we have to stay cheerful. xx Jenelle | inspiringwit.com

  4. March 24, 2020 / 12:20 pm

    Great tips dear, especially the 2nd one. Anyway, that’s one chic outfit you got there. Fab shoes!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    • Miri
      March 28, 2020 / 3:22 pm

      So happy you like this post Jessica!

  5. April 28, 2020 / 9:20 am

    Yes I can totally relate. Having to juggle so much at once is a struggle, but no one is going to do it for us so we have to work for the life we want. Thank you for sharing <3

    By Rocio V

  6. April 30, 2020 / 9:23 pm

    You started naming everything you wanted and I’m like yup sounds very familiar and I know exactly where this is going. ? The lack of discipline also goes along with how excited I stay about something. I get excited easily and will jump on something and be super productive with it then quickly get bored and the motivation for it is gone.

    My current goal is to learn how to shuffle. Still in the fun mood haha I find that it is also helpful to stay disciplined if I am doing it with someone so that I feel accountable.

    This was a great read. I also like your style!

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