DE • Tomorrow on the 12th of May is Mother’s Day, the day we honour our mums a little bit more than usually. I am a fan of honouring my mother every day of the year. However, I want to use this…
EN • A little while ago I started watching “Friends from College” on Netflix. I was blown away from all the cute outfits Sam Delmonico wears throughout the whole series. Well, well I have to confess that I paused the…
EN • As temperatures are rising, I’m happy to wear all my dresses again. After a long winter (and in my opinion winter is always way too long) I can’t wait to get back to all the fun summer activities.…
EN • Last weekend I wore this blue and white outfit and when I was about to post it, I realised, that it was not the first time I chose this color combination. In fact, I seem to wear blue and…
EN • Grab your bags, we hit the road! In Sri Lanka! Sometimes this beautiful country is called “little India”. I’ve heard people say that it is as beautiful as India but less crowded. To me Sri Lanka is THE…