EN • Recently I thought about all the apps I use to keep my blog and Instagram running. I use them on a daily basis and I am so thankful they exist, because some of them save me SO much time.…
EN • Those of you who have been following me for a while know that I love to travel and I do it whenever I can. I have lived I Mexico and Shanghai, did backpacking in Sri Lanka, Cuba and Bali,…
Let’s celebrate love DE • Nun sind es nur noch 9 Tage bis zum Valentinstag. Ich feiere den Tag der Liebe sehr gerne, egal ob ich ihn mit einem Partner oder Freundinnen verbringe. Das besondere am Valentinstag ist, das…
EN • In winter when it is super cold outside I’m often tempted to stick to a “pants-only-policy”, just because it seems to be more comfy and warm. Let me tell you, I was wrong! There are so many lovely…
EN • For most people, attending a formal dinner isn’t a fun thing to do. I can totally understand that ! There are unseen dos and don’ts and social protocols you should follow. It all begins with your clothing, which, of…